Really Engaging….
The reality, of course, was different - not least because I had little filming experience - something confirmed immediately after a couple of pilot attempts with willing friends.
A Poetic Challenge
I was so thrilled to be involved with this project. A huge part of that thrill was the creative challenge that was posed by the poem being one word, by one word.
A Change Of Plan
The conversations have sparked a renewed excitement within Hydrocracker and helped us see how we might adapt our practice to make our work both more accessible and more creative.
London Philharmonic Orchestra
No text, no actors, just music - young musicians working with key immersive theatre principles and practices.
No Drama - No Citizenship
Over the course of the past decade, the teaching of drama to children and young people in Britain’s state schools has been quietly throttled, sacrificed at the altar of GCSE and A-level “results.
Sleepwalking Into Surveillance
This is only the latest in a series of moves that take away an increasing number of our liberties and legal safeguards in the name of our own security and safety.
Is All Theatre Writing Political?
If ‘political’ means getting people to ‘change’ or ‘take action’ there is surely a problem if the audience already agrees with you.
Getting Creative in Johannesburg
Immediately their imaginations are caught by the language and the situation - a country at war and in the old King is dead; soldiers are on watch and after midnight is the time when Ghosts start to walk...
Audiences & Politics
We look for ways to create and write new work that forces audiences to think and to react.
Political Theatre: Hydrocracker’s Perspective
We want debate. We want to have the conversation. And we don’t think we can do it by staging a conventional play.